ogo: Hey, Didi, did you hear? We’re the heroes of a literary blog. How da ya like that?
Didi: What’s a hero? Don’t tell me. Somebody who hears well. To hear is heavenly, to err divine.
Gogo: To err divine? How can making a mistake be divine?
Didi: In the old days to err meant to wander.
Gogo: Oh, we know all about that! We are two flanneurs, which means we stroll, we loiter, we loaf.
Didi: And we wait.
Gogo: We wait.
Didi: I imagine that Mme. Blog made a mistake in the name of her blog. It can’t be writing4godot. It must be writing2godot and somehow she got her math wrong.
Gogo: Anyway, surely he can write on his own. Godot, I mean. He doesn’t need somebody to write 4 him.
Didi: Maybe it’s like in the song, “Swing low, sweet chariot, coming 4 to carry me home.”
Gogo: No, really? Godot is coming 4 you? Take me, take me, Didi. (Gogo jumps up in Didi’s arms.)
Didi: I hear there’s a book involved.
Gogo: A what?
Didi: It’s called No One is Talking About This.
Gogo: Oh, yeah.
Didi: Have you seen it?
Gogo: What?
Didi: The book.
Gogo: You read a book. You don’t see it.
Didi: Have you read it?
Gogo: No, but I didn’t read it until after I saw it.
Didi: So you have seen it.
Gogo: Zzzzzzz
Didi: Wake up! A book is a book of course of course and no one can talk to a book of course unless the book is the famous, the famous,
Gogo: Godot!! Of course.
Didi: (Leans in.( I haven’t seen the book because I can’t find it. We are moving.
Gogo: What is that, moving!
Didi: Well, you’re in one place and then in another place.
Gogo: Just like that?
Didi: So they say, although I wouldn’t know, not first hand, anyway.
Gogo: No, we don’t move.
Didi: Tell the good people. Tell them the book is missing.
Together: No one is talking about this.
Didi: Although they will be. Soon.
Two men, sauntering down the lane..