Jeanne Koré Salvato

end of summer jazz postcard

end of summer jazz postcard

reetings, dear Readers, This summer I seemed to have wandered off.    I had a ravishing trip to France in the spring, and then more travel, plus Covid and a broken toe!  I’d like to jump in now to wish everyone a splashy but not crazy return to...
radical waiting

radical waiting

adical waiting may not look much like it does in Beckett’s play Waiting for Godot. As you may know, two seemingly un-housed individuals are awaiting a certain Godot who may or may not do something grand, such as save them.  Save them from what? you may ask. The best I...
translation without angels

translation without angels

Dear Reader, I would say that these are difficult times.  The war in Gaza falls heavy on our hearts for the Jews and the Palestinians. Holocaust Remembrance Day was this week. I was reading that the final resting place of hundreds of thousands of Jews is as yet...
in memorium

in memorium

ome of you may have noticed that I refer from time to time to my then-husband, Donald Avery Sharif Graham.  I often cite him when people ask me why I moved to France.  My then-husband, I will say, was offered an opportunity to work in the archives of the teacher and...


Origin Middle English: from Old Northern French waitier, of Germanic origin; related to wake. Early senses included ‘lie in wait (for’), ‘observe carefully’, and ‘be watchful’. This is How I Wait! And what are the vagabonds in Beckett’s play waiting for?...